
Showing posts from April, 2024

Treatment for spinal problems

  There are surgical and nonsurgical procedures for the treatment of spinal problems by the Spine Surgeon in Ludhiana .  Non-surgical procedure Medicines: the medicines are suggested by the doctors at the early stage of the problem. At the initial stage, the spinal problem can be treated with medicinal therapy. Medicines are effective in curing spinal issues, and they give relief from pain for some time. For permanent solutions, there are other methods for the treatment of Spinal problems. ‘ Physical therapy: After an age, people need a physiotherapist to correct their muscle problems. Physical therapies can be beneficial for curing the problem of the spinal cord. Therapies fix the muscles and bones with any medicine and surgery.  Surgery: At the last stage of spinal problems, doctors suggest surgery. In the surgery procedure, the damaged and affected part is removed with proper care, and an artificial part is placed at the place of the removing part.     ...